Velos eResearch : Patient login
Welcome to UCSD Velos

Participant Portal

v10 #776.03

Modern web browsers have a "helpful" feature that remembers what you entered into a form and fills in those fields when you revisit that form (form caching). For Velos this can (occasionally) cause problems like someone elses details being entered into the current form.

There is also a potential security issue as PHI/PII data may be stored in the browsers form cache, and is likely not encrypted.

This feature is normally enabled by default, so you likely have this feature operating in your browser.

CTRI recommends disabling this form caching feature in browsers used with Velos. The procedures to do this with current browsers follow.

Reminder: Velos only supports Firefox and Internet Explorer; Chrome, Safari, Microsoft Edge, Opera etc. are NOT supported.


  1. Go to the browser Options.
  2. Select Privacy from the left-side menu.
  3. Under History, select 'Use Custom Settings for History'.
  4. Uncheck 'Remember search and form history'.
  5. The new settings should take effect immediately, so close and re-open Firefox.

Internet Explorer

  1. Go the browser Internet Options.
  2. In the Internet Options dialog select the Content tab.
  3. In the AutoComplete section click the Settings Button.
  4. In the AutoComplete Settings dialog, uncheck 'Forms'.
  5. Click the Delete AutoComplete history Button.
  6. In the Delete Browsing History dialog, ensure 'Form data' is checked and click Delete.
  7. Click OK to close each dialog.
  8. The new settings will take effect after you close and re-open Internet Explorer.


  1. Go to the browser Settings.
  2. At the bottom of the settings page, click 'Show advanced settings'.
  3. Under Passwords and forms, uncheck 'Enable Autofill'.
  4. Under Privacy, click 'Clear browsing data'.
  5. In the dialog, You can uncheck everything and just check 'Autofill form data'. Set the 'Obliterate the following items from' drop-down to 'the beginning of time'.
  6. Click the Clear browsing data Button to close the dialog.
  7. The new settings should take effect immediately, so close and re-open Chrome.